The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty imposed on Germany by the Allies, ending the state of war between them. It was signed on June 28, 1919. The treaty required Germany to disarm and make significant reductions in their military, to give up her overseas empire, as well as territories in Europe including Alsace-Lorraine (to France), portions of Silesia (to Czechoslovakia) and portions of Posen, Upper Silesia and West Prussia (to Poland), and to pay a very large sum in reparations. In retrospect, the treaty is seen as extremely harsh, although compared with other contemporary treaties, such as the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, it was not particularly harsh. Germany, however, was already exhausted from four years of war and the treaty was a large burden to it. The treaty was widely resented by Germany, and helped to create the conditions that would result in another world war 20 years in the future.